divendres, 9 d’octubre del 2009

My physical description

Her name is Marta. She is short. She is 13 years old. She has got brown eyes. She has got brown and long hair.
His name is Àlex. He is 14 years old. He has got brown and short hair. He has got brown eyes. He has got glasses. He is quiet and swot.
His name is Pedro. He is 13 years old. He has got brown and short hair. He has got brown eyes. He is active.

divendres, 2 d’octubre del 2009

my presentation

-Our names are Pedro, Àlex and Marta. We are 14 years old. We are from Sabadell. We are students of the IES Joan Oliver.

-Her name is Ana. She is teacher of french and catalan. She is 29 years old.